Because of a reduction in staffing for the Village of Sleepy Hollow, the following changes will remain in effect until further notice for Sleepy Hollow Manor. (To receive e-mails from SHMA with the following and other useful, timely information, be sure your membership has not lapsed.)
Garbage will only be picked up on Thursdays.
Recyclables will alternate Wednesdays. April 15th: only cans/plastic/glass will be picked up. April 22: only paper/cardboard. And so on.
There will be no further lawn/brush pickup until Monday, May 4th and will be every other week after that.
All bulk pick-ups will be on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month and will be by appointment only. To schedule a bulk pick-up call the Village Clerk – 366-5106 or 366-5113 by Tuesday afternoon for Thursday pick-up that week.
Bulk metal (refrigerators, washer/dryers, ACs, etc) pickup will be only on the 4th Thursday of each month, by appointment only. The next opportunity is Thursday April 23rd. Current Village code already requires that you get a permit for disposal of all refrigerators, dryers, dishwashers, etc. The permit comes in the form of a sticker you attach to the object
NO USE OF LEAFBLOWERS is permitted. The Village wishes to minimize aeration of any kind during these contagious times. "Having lawns completely cleared of leaves is not essential. What is essential is that we maintain as healthy an environment as possible. Please, please adhere to this new rule for the health and safety of our community."
Landscapers and gardeners may only conduct maintenance, not beautification. For questions about these parameters and definitions, please contact the Village. (Number above.) All hired landscapers/gardeners must continue to have a permit from the Village.
Stay safe.